Thursday 17 July 2014

"Modern 60s" Inspired Makeup Tutorial Ft. Mac Haux Eyeshadow

First of all to clarify, modern 60's is totally a thing. It's a Lana Del Rey thing, okay? I didn't make it up. Secondly I'm pretty sure I call "Haux" "Faux" in the video numerous times. I smoke alot of pot, okay? Forgive me.

So I finally figured out my editting sitch (I think) ... my computer's operating system needs to be rebooted and then hopefully things will run smoothly. Til then I'll be using my sister's computer to edit because it is WAY faster and doesn't give me any trouble so hopefully I can have these videos out for you quicker :) it's a process folks, I'm really sorry I haven't been consistent but it is time consuming and I'm trying to get a handle on it. Okay? We good? Good good.

So here's the look:

I make the stupidest faces when I'm trying not to duck face. The lash glue is still wet here so don't watch that homies. Please be sure to comment, rate and subscribe to my channel cauuuuuuse that helps me out a lot and lets me know if you like certain types of videos and stuff :) Thanks everybody and til next time, toodles xo


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